Management College of Southern Africa - MANCOSA (MANCOSA)
Created 1995 as a post-apartheid empowerment institution. A supported-distance education provider.
Department of Education, Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC), Council on Higher Education (CHE), South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
Noten 3
Sprachen 1
Abteilungen 3
- Betriebswirtschaftlicher Studiengang/Programm
- Bildungsmanagement-Kurs/ProgrammStudienfächer: Bildung
- Lehrgang/Programm Human Resource ManagementStudienfächer: Humanressourcen
Studiengebühr pro Jahr
Lokale Währung: ZAR
4.000,00 ZAR – 9.750,00 ZAR
- Zulassungsdetails: For undergraduate programmes: National Senior Certificate with appropriate subject combinations and levels of achievement, or equivalent. For Honours and Postgraduate DipIoma programmes: Bachelor's degree or equivalent.
Ähnliche Universitäten
Ihre Währung: USD
215,92 $ – 526,30 $