Päpstliche Universität von Salamanca (UPSA)

Spanien, Salamanca , Calle Compañía, 5

Founded 1940 as Pontifical University, thus reviving the Ecclesiastical Faculties of the University of Salamanca, founded in the 12th century, which were suppressed in the 19th century. Operating under the patronage of the Hispanic Episcopate and the jurisdiction of an Episcopal Commission, the President of which is the Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid. In compliance with the Apostolic Constitution, Deus scientiarum Dominus, the University is entitled to award degrees. These are given civil recognition under the terms of the Concordats of 1953 and 1962. The University receives financial support from the Church and from public and private bodies and individuals.

Finanzierung: Privat
Noten 3
Sprachen 1
Abteilungen 13
  • Zulassungsdetails: Secondary school certificate (bachiller) and pre-university examination (madurez)

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