Nationale Universität für Bevölkerungsschutz der Ukraine (NUCZU)
Founded 1928 аs Kharkov biennial permanent nationwide fire engineering courses, repeadly renamed Kharkiv Fire College of NKVD 1930, reorganized into advanced training courses for City Fire Department commanders of NKVD 1938 and into the 3rd, and then 4th Fire-technical school of USSR NKVD 1941 and 1943. Reorganized into Kharkiv Fire Technical School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs 1946. Renamed Kharkiv Institute of Fire Safety of Ukraine 1994. Obtained status of Academy 2000. Removed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and transferred to the structure of the Ministry of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe of Ukraine 2003. Acquired current title 2004.
Noten 3
Sprachen 2
Abteilungen 2
- Abteilung Brandschutz und Brandbekämpfungstaktik/AbteilungStudienfächer: Wohlfahrt und Schutzdienste
- Fakultät für Brandschutz und LöschmanagementStudienfächer: Wohlfahrt und Schutzdienste
- Zulassungsdetails: Competitive entrance examinations (Atestat pro zagalnu seredniu osvitu) following secondary school certificate or foreign equivalent