Imperial College London

Founded 1907 as a merger of the Royal College of Science, the Royal School of Mines and the City and Guilds College, and the Imperial College School of Medicine. Merged with St Mary's Hospital Medical School, 1988, and the National Heart and Lung Institute, 1995, Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School and Royal Postgraduate Medical School, 1997 to form with the existing departments on the St Mary's and Royal Brompton campuses the Imperial College Faculty of Medicine. Wye College and the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology merged with the College in 2000.

Finanzierung: Öffentlich
Noten 3
Sprachen 1
Abteilungen 7
  • Zulassungsdetails: General Certificate of Education (GCE) with 3 subjects at Advanced ('A') level, or recognized equivalent
Kurze Online-Kurse 63

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