Universität von Pannonien (PE)

Ungarn, Wesprim , PO Box 158 Egyetem út. 10

Founded 1949 as Faculty of the Technical University of Budapest, became Veszprém University of Chemical Engineering 1951. The Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture of the Pannon University of Agricultural Sciences attached to the University 1989. Faculty of Teacher Training started 1990. Due to changes to the Hungarian higher education system, the Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture of the Pannon University of Agricultural Sciences, Keszthely and the Faculty of Agriculture of Mosonmagyaróvár became part of Veszprémi University 2000. Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture and Education. Known as Veszprémi Egyetem (University of Veszprém) until March 2006, when obtained current title and status.

Finanzierung: Öffentlich
Noten 3
Sprachen 2
Abteilungen 5
  • Zulassungsdetails: Secondary school certificate (érettségi bizonyitvány) and entrance examination

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